Strong and light protection against cyber threats

Graphene Security is a cyber security design and implementation company focused on solutions that provide substantial improvements to security with minimal cost, complexity, and impact to users.

We create as much difficulty as possible for those who shouldn’t be in your environment, while keeping things simple for those who should.


Cyber Security Strategy

Protect your organisation and grow confidently with a comprehensive cyber security strategy. Cyber securit...

Threat and Exposure Assessment

Understand your threats and see your organisation from an attacker’s perspective. Cyber security threat as...

Cyber-Physical Alignment

Identify and close the gaps between cyber and physical security. Organisations are increasingly realising ...

CSO/CISO Advisory

From setting up a newly-appointed CISO with what they need to get started, to advising a senior executive o...

Board Briefings

Cyber security can and should be managed as a business risk like any other. We can provide the appropriate ...

Training and Workshops

Customised training solutions and facilitated workshops to build understanding and promote better decision ...

Threat-based logo


Technical solutions based on helping large organisations manage real-world threats
Effective logo


Mitigating your cyber security risks by addressing their technical causes
Integrated logo


Environments that are hard to attack but easy to maintain and use